Friday 30 January 2009

Filming our Thriller

On Wednesday 28/02/09 we had begun our filming for our thriller entry. The location was at Stoke Newington graveyard. On that day we had not completed as much as I wanted to due to the bad weather, it was raining and very muddy on the floor, therfore Nazmin found it difficult to run as that is part of our scene. However we managed to get a few close ups the statues of angels, of Nazmin running and facial expressions when she screams in the scene.

On Friday 30/01/09 we continued to film in the graveyard, but this time we took lots of establishing shots of the gravestones and statues of angels. We also put some of our footage onto the computer so that it will be easier and faster when we start editing. However we do still need to take lots more shots in the graveyard with different angles and begin our editing.

Written By Shahida Choudhury

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