Saturday 24 January 2009

Pitch lesson

On friday's lesson we had another planning session in which we had to present our thriller idea to the class. From the previous lesson we had planned out; to carry on with that idea. But there were a few problems as the plan had told a story in which we didnt really want, therefore we had changed our planning of the thriller opening.
Our second idea of a girl getting chase by another dark figure in which we would not see. As we have seen many thrillers which start with this chase we thought that our thriller opening will be different we would have to make it very rich and fancy. This means that we would have to make sure that there are more shots of the setting rather than the girl getting chased. Like for example, have birds flying up to the sky this will create a sense of fear.
We planned our thriller setting to take place in a graveyard where there are a lot of trees and also to make it at day and night lighting. We also chose to add on many close ups, extreme close up, an estbalishing shots to make it look very real.
For the sound we thought to have a non digetic and digetic. this is because it would make our thriller more live and scary in which will keep the audience entertained and also question about why this is happening to her what the reason is behind it all.

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