Saturday 24 January 2009

Making A Pitch

On Wednesday 21st January, we were told to finalise our idea for our thriller entry. We then had to organise and plan for our pitch. This included making particular detail about our thriller, in terms costume, setting, music, context, camera angles and mise en scene. Our idea for our thriller is basically a girl who is running away from someone that is chasing her, and this would take place in a graveyard. This fits in with the theme of death, which can create an eerie felling for the audience. We will expand this feeling through fast paced music and a variety of camera shots, mainly extreme close ups as this shows emotion. On Friday’s lesson, 23rd January, we presented our idea to our fellow classmates and they seemed to like the idea. During this lesson we had to make a schedule of what days we would book the camera and tripod out, as this enables us to be organised and ready to shoot.
Written By Shahida Choudhury

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