Sunday 18 January 2009

Match Cut Lesson

The brief was to film a sequence of a character opening a, walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue. We had to make sure we used at least one Match Cut, an example of a Shot/ Reverse shot and showing understanding of the 180 Degree Rule.

In terms of camera work I was happy with it and I did get the hang of it quite quickly. However I did make a few mistakes, in certain scenes the camera was shaking because my hand was wobbling while filming and I didn’t realise until I saw the footage on computer, I have learnt to always use the tripod unless you want the shaky effect.

In terms of editing, it took me a while to get used to using the Apple Macs, however I now know what to do for our real thriller entry when it comes to editing. I do think that our film did make sense however due to lack of time we should have taken more shots so that we could have more variety to choose from to get a better outcome.

As we did film it in the college, our mise en scene was not the best has there were a lot of students and teachers walking by. I think we did create a little bit of suspense even though it wasn’t in our brief. The suspense took place mainly in the shots of the girl being in the lift, the audience may be drawn to her and thinking where she is going. I think we did use conventions from real thriller films by using lots of different angles and close-ups to show expression and emotions.

At times I did forget to shoot the extra 5 seconds after each shot but I did remember to do it before each shot, this is something I need to make sure to do when I shoot my actual thriller entry. Overall I think the outcome was ok but it could be improved, I now know that good planning, organisation and teamwork can enable us to get a good scene.

Written by Shahida Choudhury

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