Thursday 22 January 2009

Planning Our Thriller

Last lesson our task was to plan our thrillers. We gave a variety of ideas in which we could join the ideas to come up with one thriller.
We plan our ideas into a brainstorm and finally had come up with one thriller in which we would think that we will be able to accomplish. The setting of our thriller will be in a park where there will be only one or maybe two characters. We also thought to add in special effects as one of our characters would appear as a ghost.
In order to get this effect, we would have to film the shots where the ghost effects will contain twice once with the character in the scene and then again without the character. And this will be then edited together when it comes to editing our thrillers.
Our thriller would be very different as we thought through the whole planning. The thriller will definately include a reflect back from the past as we will have jump cuts with the newspaper cuts at the beginning.
We all thought this will be a very simple idea as it will leave the audience to think why the character had come back in the form of a ghost to that specific place and what for.
The credits will also be added to the thriller in the parts where the ghost effects come up and this will slowly dissolve to a black background with the writing on (credits) and will be repeated again with another shot.

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