Sunday 1 February 2009

28/1 - Started filming

On the 28th of January, my group and i started to film for our thriller. We took out the camera and the tripod down to Stoke Newington graveyard where we started to shoot in daylight. There were slight problems which took place. The weather was very terrible therefore we wernt able to film as much as we expected. Although, it never bothered us that much until it started to get really cold and rainy.
Also we had other problems concerning where we would be filming in the graveyard as the places we wanted to shoot were taken by other people who just came in wondered about with their dogs. This caused more bigger concerns of when we would be able to finish our filming and start our editing.
But in the end we managed to take a couple of shots of the same angle which we were happy about although the weather was not as we expected.

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