Friday 16 January 2009

Practise filming match cut lesson

In today's lesson the tasks that my group was given is to do the practise filiming and also finish the editing. From the previous lesson we had planned out how we would practise filming by making sure the types of shots we would include and also gettin enough shots even if they did not come out as we expected it to. Today we had establish our practical filming by sticking to the plan and also had time to edit it.
I was pleased with the camera work in a lot of the shots as they had come out as i expected. There were couple of shots in which were very sucessful as i like the way in which the type of shots worked well with the different shots we had taken. These shots; in particular, with long shots, close ups, mid shots and over the shoulder shots. Although some of the shots did not work as we thought, and had to change some parts to the plan.
This occured when the girl was walking down the corridor and we were tracking with the camera doing it with a over the shoulder shot. This maybe due to the fact that the camera was hand held instead of putting it onto the tripod. So we had many difficulties and therefore made many mistakes of the same shot which we had to do it over and over again. This also happened when filiming in the lift and had spent more time in making sure that we were happy with the outcome.
I have learnt a lot about mise en scene like making sure that everything in the frame goes according to plan, as it is very hard when it comes to the setting, it is very hard to accomplish especially as we had set our film in the college.
As this is our practise film before doing our thrillers i have realised that you have to put in a lot of effort to make a good film and from today's session i can understand the many stages you have to go through to make sure the film had come out right. I also need to make sure that when it comes to the thriller making that every shot types and the frame of shots are done properly and use the amount of time we have to make the thriller wisely, so that we will be able to edit the film on time. As a result from this lesson we were not able to complete the whole of the editing.

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