Saturday 17 January 2009

Match cut practice

In Friday's lesson, we had to practice filming and finish the editing. In the previous lesson, we had already planned what shots we would use in our sequence and we also learnt that we had to get enough shots even if they did not come out as we expected them to.We had to establish our practical filming by sticking to our plan without making any major changes as that would waste time and we also had time to edit it.
I was really pleased with the camera work in most of the shots as they came out as I expected it to.
The types of shots that worked well with the different shots we had taken were long shots, over the shoulder shots and close-ups. Not all of our shots went according to plan, therefore, we had to change some parts of our plan and this slowed us down abit. These changes had to happen when the girl was walking down the corrider and we were tracking the camera doing an over the shoulder shot. The camera was hand-held instead of on the tripod. We made alot of mistakes of the same shots so we had to do it over and over again until we were happy with the shot.
I have learnt alot about mise en scene; in order to make everything in ther frame right, you have to consider your options of the setting carefully. Our film was hard to do as we filmed it inside the college and there was alot of people walking past and disturbing us. I have realised you have to put in alot of time and effort to make sure your film comes out right. You also have to be patient and work together as a group and not independently. Now that I have experienced filming a sequence, I understand the many obstacles you have to go through,however, you just have to be prepared to work through it all. When we do our thriller, I want us to use our time wisely so that we reach our deadline and do not fall behing. We also need to make that the shot types we use are done properly.I am very glad we had this practice session as I learnt alot about filming and now I feel confident about the thriller we are about to produce.

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