Wednesday 25 February 2009

Editing-Adding credits onto timeline

In today’s lesson we wanted to add in all the credits to our thriller sequence and also add the sound, although we did not have enough time to get onto the sound. Again we used the program ‘Final cut pro’ to do the editing in. To begin with we had to import the credit files onto ‘Final cut pro’, then we organised the credits in the order that we wanted to put them onto the time line of the thriller. We then had to highlight some of the thriller footage and remove it slightly to make space for the credit.
As we were adding the credits we came across several problems such as at first we thought the pace of the credit was to fast, but then we managed to overcome this by highlighting the credit and clicking on modify and then changing the speed from 100 to 70. Also another problem was that every time we tried to play the credit it would say ‘unrender movie’ but then we realised that after every change you make to the credit you have to click ‘cmnd r’.
Also we decided to adjust some of the lighting on certain footage’s as it was to bright and light compared to the rest. At first we didn’t know how to do it, but as we were trying out different things we managed to work it out. You just had to adjust it by dragging the line on top of the clip.
Towards the end of the lesson as we did not have enough time to add the sound, myself and Shahida agreed to come in tomorrow morning and completed the sound and add it to our thriller.

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