Friday 13 February 2009

Wednesday 11th Feb- end of filming

On Wednesday 11th of Febraury, this was our last hope to get our filming together and get all the shots finished. We all decided to get it finished that day so we would be able to edit in time before our final deadline.
We had a few problems during this last moment as to who would be in the film. But then it had got sorted as this was our only last chance to get it finished. Aminah and Shahida had taken shots of Nazmin and I, as Nazmin was running mostly in nearly all of the shots. I therefore, had to be the dark figure as shots of different angles of me was taken not showing who i was.
It had been a very successful day as the weather had also been positive and we were able to film the last parts of our whole thriller film. I was very pleased with all the effort everyone had put in that day as we were finished and only had to carry on eiditing from the previous lesson.

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