Saturday 7 February 2009

Filming lesson - friday

On friday 6th of Febraury, this lesson was planned to carry on with the filming for our thriller. But unfortunately due to the poor weather condition, we were again were not able to film. But even though the weather was very poor we still managed to take the camera and tripod out to film at Stoke Newington graveyard. As we got there we thought if it was very bad as there were a lot of risky places in order for us to film. So we got back to the college and thought we should continue with the editing even though the shots we didn't have, which we could leave a space for them so that after we film the last parts next lesson, we would be able to fill it in.
I started to log and capture all the footage we have gathered, with each shot i carefully looked at the shot and captured it just before i heard the word 'action' and pressd escape after i heard the word 'cut'. I also managed to rename the footage so that when we start to edit, i would be able to tell which footage comes first.
When it came to edit the shots to put onto the timeline, I had to make sure that i put a input and output so that when we start to see the film we wouldnt have somone say action or cut so that it looks like a film. I pressed 'i' for the input and 'o' for the output, I then dragged the shot down to the timeline and replayed it to make sure that each shot was done properly.
As i replayed back the shots i figured out that there were a few problems with some of the shots. I realised that some shots were too fast than others which made it difficult for us to see everything as some shots went too quik than others. But then i knew that as we still got to film next lesson we would be able to do more extra shots just to make sure that every shot had been done properly therefore makes out a good thriller film.

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