Saturday 28 February 2009

Finished our Thriller

On the 27th of February we finished our thriller completely. We had made a few adjustments on Final Cut Pro and edited the ending to give it a better effect.

We had also finished our sound track. For the first establishing shot, we kept the natural sound of the rain so the audience would get a feeling of atmosphere. We then used the sounds tracks called, Processed Experiment Rhodes 05, Designer Synth 05, Designer Synth 07, Heartbeat and for the final scream we used Emmahelm scream

We then had to upload our thriller onto blogger. We did this by saving it on QuickTime and moving it to desktop. Then Amina had signed onto the blogger which then was put under compose on the video icon. We then browsed it from our desktop and named it ‘Vanished Final Thriller’ which was then uploaded onto the video button.

Written By Shahida Choudhury

Last lesson of film making

In this final lesson we had managed to finish off our thriller completely. We had made a few more adjustments to our thriller to make sure that it had looked as though it was real. The sounds were set on different levels so that it had faded with our thriller.
After this we made sure that our thriller was checked by my teacher and also one of the technicians in order for us to upload the thriller onto our blog.
To upload the thriller we saved it onto a new programme which is called quicktime. From there we had moved it onto the desktop where it would be easier to find when uploading onto the blog.
Then Amina had signed onto the blogger which then was put under compose on the video icon.
We browsed it from our desktop and named our thriller 'vanished' which was uploaded on the video button.

Friday 27 February 2009

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Editing-Adding credits onto timeline

In today’s lesson we wanted to add in all the credits to our thriller sequence and also add the sound, although we did not have enough time to get onto the sound. Again we used the program ‘Final cut pro’ to do the editing in. To begin with we had to import the credit files onto ‘Final cut pro’, then we organised the credits in the order that we wanted to put them onto the time line of the thriller. We then had to highlight some of the thriller footage and remove it slightly to make space for the credit.
As we were adding the credits we came across several problems such as at first we thought the pace of the credit was to fast, but then we managed to overcome this by highlighting the credit and clicking on modify and then changing the speed from 100 to 70. Also another problem was that every time we tried to play the credit it would say ‘unrender movie’ but then we realised that after every change you make to the credit you have to click ‘cmnd r’.
Also we decided to adjust some of the lighting on certain footage’s as it was to bright and light compared to the rest. At first we didn’t know how to do it, but as we were trying out different things we managed to work it out. You just had to adjust it by dragging the line on top of the clip.
Towards the end of the lesson as we did not have enough time to add the sound, myself and Shahida agreed to come in tomorrow morning and completed the sound and add it to our thriller.

Editing-Credits Tuesday 24th

On Tuesday the 24th of February Fahmida, Shahida and I came to workshop to add in the credits to our thriller sequence. First we were discussing what kind of title we could give our thriller. I came up with ‘Fear’ Shahida came up with ‘Predator’ and Fahmida came up with ‘Vanished’. We then decided that we was going to used ‘Vanished’ as it seemed to be the most suitable one for our thriller sequence and also suited our story line best. We used the program ‘Live Type’ to do the credits. There was a range of different fonts and effects that we could select from for our credits. We decided to choose the font called ‘Cracked’ and then decided to add another to effects to go with it. The first effect we chose to use was called ‘impression’ and then second effect was called ‘Cats eyes’. We thought the effect and font created a thriller look to our title.

Last filming session 11/02/09

On Wednesday the 11th our group finished filming and managed to get all the shots that we wanted. As a group we wanted to finish all our filming today as we were already behind in our plan due to all the bad weather. We also wanted to leave enough time before the deadline to edit our thriller. During this filming session I done most of the camera work, and found it quite hard to do the part where I had to run with the camera behind Nazmin, although in the end it did come out really good. We then decided that we need someone to be the dark figure, and as Fahmida was wearing all black we thought she was the most suitably dressed one to be the dark figure. So then Shahida took a few shots of the dark figure without showing the face so it would create some kind of suspense in our sequence. As the weather was quite good today it enabled us to take a variety of different shots at different angles without any problems.

Bad weather lessons/unable to film

On Wednesday the 4th and Friday the 6th of February we were unable to film due to the bad weather conditions. This lead our plan to slightly change as we couldn’t film, although instead we started to log and capture some of the footage that we already had from previous filming sessions. This also gave us the chance to look through the footage we already have and see what things we still need to capture and improve. To edit the footage that we wanted to keep, we had to input (i) and output (o) the footage’s, and then drag them onto the timeline. To complete these tasks we used the program ‘Final cut pro’. Again on Friday the weather conditions were bad, although we still decided to go to Stoke Newington graveyard to see whether it could be possible to film or not. When we arrived there the weather conditions in the graveyard was extremely bad as there was a lot of snow, which meant that Nazmin would be unable to run and also it was very dangerous for us to film in case any equipment would slip and drop on the floor. This caused us to come back to college and we decided to continue with our editing as we could not do anything more due to the lack of footage’s.

Editing lesson - credits

In today's lesson our aim was to make sure that we put the credits we had done from the previous time lesson, onto our thriller sequence. This took time to get it all done as we also had a few problems that occured along the way. I imported the credits from the live type programme onto Final Cut Pro. Then we looked at each of the credits and planned out where we would place them on to the thriller sequence. This was done by selecting the footage that we already have done and moved it across the timeline so that it enabled us to put the credits in between the places where we thought would fit best, and then closing the gaps again, after we had put all the credits into place.
As we looked at our credits we had a problem which was as we played all the credits, it seemed to play the credits fast and so you was not able to tell properly who had made the thriller. But this was over come, as we modified with the speed which was reduced from 100 to 70. This then slowed the credits down so you were able to see it properly. But yet again there was another problem as the credits did not play as it was unrendered.
I figured out that we had forgotten to press command r after we had fixed the credits so it applied onto it.
There was also another problem, which was as we modified the speed of the credits to make it slower, it also made the credits longer at the end. Nevertheless, i had come up with an idea that there was a way out of this, and this was by putting the in and out points of the credits so it cut down the extras that we didn't need and then dragged it onto the timeline removing the other credits we had.
We were able to finish adding the credits onto our timeline and had thought to get onto doing the soundtrack for our thriller. Yet again another problem had occured as we were getting onto doing the soundtrack for our thriller, we had a difficulty in opening our thriller onto the soundtraack; so that as we played the sound, we were able to also view our thriller to match which sounds fix best for the footage.
Finally, this had been fixed together as we had to also keep Final Cut Pro open and export the thriller footage onto the soundtrack. And on the soundtrack programme we opened up the video drive and dragged the thriller onto the box where we were able to view it.


On Tuesday 24th February, Amina, Fahmida and I began adding the credits. We had to come up with names for our thriller. Fahmida came up with 'Vanished", Amina came up with 'Fear' and I came up with 'Predator'. It took us a while but we then decided on the name 'Vanished' as this suited best to the story line for our thriller. There was a variety of choice we had with fonts, size and styles. In the end we used the font 'Cracked' and combined the writing style 'Impression' and 'Cat Eyes'. By adding this kind of style it gave a feeling of a real thriller.

Today we added these credits onto our footage. This took some time we had to put it in order first and because the tittles were coming in too fast, we had to alter the speed of each credit. We then had to press control c to add it to our scene. We then started to work on the sound a bit but in tomorrow’s lesson we will develop this more by putting diagetic and non-diagtic sound.

Written By Shahida Choudhury

Tuesday 24 February 2009

24th Tuesday

Today me, Shahida and Amina had decided to do the credits for our thriller. We also decided to come up with a name of our thriller and i had come up with "Vanished" whereas Shahida and Amina also thought of other titles such as 'fear' or ' predetor', but in the end we all decided to stick with the word "vanished" becuase it was related to our thriller so we all decide to go by it.
The credits were done by using a programme called 'Live type' on the computer. We decided to make the text font which is called ' cracked'. We also had added two effects for when the texts appear onto the screen. The first effect was called impression and the second one was called cat eyes. We combined both together for our title.

Monday 23 February 2009


On Monday 16th February, Fahmida and I came into college during half term to start editing. We started logging and capturing the last remaining footage we had and then started putting the input and outputs on, then we roughly put the scenes in order. We realised we didn't have enough shots of the dark figure, so we did more shots of that in Owens Field, we also included close ups of a weapon (knife) to give it more of a thriller effect and we also did close ups of the dark figure's hands clenching and using the knife.

We then logged and captured this footage, and then finished putting all the inputs and outputs and had all our footage in order. We then added flashes of white light into the scenes and also made the shots a lot slower, to give more of a suspense so that the audience would feel its more like a thriller. We did all this using the Apple Macs.

We then started on the sound, but we hadn’t quite finished it because we wanted the other two members of the group to contribute towards. By next lesson we will start on the credits and finish off the sound, and we would then have completed our thriller entry.

Written By Shahida Choudhury

Monday 16 February 2009

16th february

In the half term holiday, there was a work shop that took place on Monday for media students. I decided to take this into hand with Shahida who also helped by coming in and making sure that we were able to get our thriller film finished.
Today our task was to make sure we done all our editing and also have done a few parts of the sound which will go with our thriller film.
At some point we had few problems with our editing as we did not have a lot of footage on the dark figure therefore we had over comes this problem as i was the dark figure and as Shahida had filmed me playing my part. I used a knife as a weapon to show that our thriller looked scary. This had to be added as looking from our thriller there was more shots of Nazmin running therefore we had to make sure that the figure also got prepared to go after her.
We captured a few shots and had then gone back to our eiditing and had made a few changes which had a great impact on our thriller as it looked much better.
The shots of Nazmin running was done in slow motion to create the sense that she was scared to create the dramatic atmosphere. We also had put in flashes of other different shots like the statues and also the dark figure to show that there is a sense of danger which was coming towards her.
After editing our film we had moved on to looking at the different sound effects which we will add to go with our thriller we experimented with different types of sound and had finally come to a conclusion as to which sounds will fit in best with each shot. After today we managed to get our editing done also the first part of sound for the opening of our thriller.

Friday 13 February 2009

Wednesday 11th Feb- end of filming

On Wednesday 11th of Febraury, this was our last hope to get our filming together and get all the shots finished. We all decided to get it finished that day so we would be able to edit in time before our final deadline.
We had a few problems during this last moment as to who would be in the film. But then it had got sorted as this was our only last chance to get it finished. Aminah and Shahida had taken shots of Nazmin and I, as Nazmin was running mostly in nearly all of the shots. I therefore, had to be the dark figure as shots of different angles of me was taken not showing who i was.
It had been a very successful day as the weather had also been positive and we were able to film the last parts of our whole thriller film. I was very pleased with all the effort everyone had put in that day as we were finished and only had to carry on eiditing from the previous lesson.

Finished Filming

On Wednesday 11th February, we had completed all our filming for our thriller. We did have problems about who was going to be in the film but the issue was then resolved. During our filming we were able to get a variety of shots of Nazmin running with lots of different angles. We also got a few shots of the dark figure, to give the film some sort of suspense. Now all that is left is the editing, adding credits and the music. Hopefully we will be doing this on Monday.

Written By Shahida

Saturday 7 February 2009

Filming lesson - friday

On friday 6th of Febraury, this lesson was planned to carry on with the filming for our thriller. But unfortunately due to the poor weather condition, we were again were not able to film. But even though the weather was very poor we still managed to take the camera and tripod out to film at Stoke Newington graveyard. As we got there we thought if it was very bad as there were a lot of risky places in order for us to film. So we got back to the college and thought we should continue with the editing even though the shots we didn't have, which we could leave a space for them so that after we film the last parts next lesson, we would be able to fill it in.
I started to log and capture all the footage we have gathered, with each shot i carefully looked at the shot and captured it just before i heard the word 'action' and pressd escape after i heard the word 'cut'. I also managed to rename the footage so that when we start to edit, i would be able to tell which footage comes first.
When it came to edit the shots to put onto the timeline, I had to make sure that i put a input and output so that when we start to see the film we wouldnt have somone say action or cut so that it looks like a film. I pressed 'i' for the input and 'o' for the output, I then dragged the shot down to the timeline and replayed it to make sure that each shot was done properly.
As i replayed back the shots i figured out that there were a few problems with some of the shots. I realised that some shots were too fast than others which made it difficult for us to see everything as some shots went too quik than others. But then i knew that as we still got to film next lesson we would be able to do more extra shots just to make sure that every shot had been done properly therefore makes out a good thriller film.

Friday 6 February 2009

1st Lesson of Filming

On Wednesday the 28th of January our group began filming for our thriller opening. We decided to pick Stoke Newington graveyard as our location for the thriller as it has a creepy and thriller effect. We were also filming during the day as it would be easier to film and that was the time when all members of the group were free to film. During the day we came across a few problems as the weather conditions were quite bad; this caused us not to complete as much as we planned to because it was hard for our main character (Nazmin) to run as the ground was wet and very slippery. However, we did manage to do a few panning shots of the scenery and also close up shots of Nazmin’s face and shots of her running.

Unable To Film

On Wednesday4th February we were unable to film due to the adverse weather conditions. So instead we started to log and capture the footage we already had. We also looked at what we needed to improve on the next time we film and what we needed to add.

On Friday 6th February we were again unable to film due to the bad weather conditions, as in the scene it requires Nazmin to run, and she would be unable to do this with ice on the floor. So instead we started to edit the footage we already had, leaving blanks where the footage we will film later on next week. Hopefully by next week the weather will be better and we'll be able to finish filming.

Written By Shahida Choudhury

Wednesday 4 February 2009

filimin lesson-editing

In today's lesson due to the whether our plans had to be changed, as we thought that it would be very risky and hard to film because there were a lot of ice pavements and roads.
Instead we decided to log and capture the shots we have taken continuing from last lesson which we saw that we had taken quite a lot of shots which we were happy about. We also managed to put the input and output on a few of the shots and putting it onto the timeline which we had saved it after.
We thought it would be best to film next lesson if the weather conditions start to change so that we would be able to film the last shots of the character.

Sunday 1 February 2009

30/1 - second filming

From the previous filming session as we took another trip down to stoke Newington, today's weather was much better as there were no rain although it was very muddy on the paths. But this was not much of a problem as we were able to film even more than last time.
We done more establishing shots, panning shots, shots of angels, graveyards which came out very much as we expected. Futhermore, there weren't as much people last time therefore we were still able to film in different places that we thought would be best for our film.
But we stil knew that we had to take more shots of the girl which would be on our next filming lesson and also needed to make sure that we get to finish our filming by next lesson. We managed to take good shots and finished more early than we thought so as we headed back to college we thought it would be better to at least upload some of the shots that we took onto our hard drive therefore it would save us time when it comes to our editing.

28/1 - Started filming

On the 28th of January, my group and i started to film for our thriller. We took out the camera and the tripod down to Stoke Newington graveyard where we started to shoot in daylight. There were slight problems which took place. The weather was very terrible therefore we wernt able to film as much as we expected. Although, it never bothered us that much until it started to get really cold and rainy.
Also we had other problems concerning where we would be filming in the graveyard as the places we wanted to shoot were taken by other people who just came in wondered about with their dogs. This caused more bigger concerns of when we would be able to finish our filming and start our editing.
But in the end we managed to take a couple of shots of the same angle which we were happy about although the weather was not as we expected.