Friday 12 December 2008

Thrilling with cards

Our task was to establish thrilling with cards. we were given a set of cards as our prop and a video camera and a tripod to start our film.
In a group of four we split ourselves into two, so that we have two of us being in the scene and the other two filming. I was one of the two who were filming. I was happy because i thought that by using the camera, i will be able to know how to use when it comes to producing our real thrillers. I thought that the camera work came out good and i was happy with it as it was our first time doing a practical filming session. there were many shots that we included in our film. I was pleased with the long shot of when the dark figure came onto the scene because this made it look very creepy and it also make our film look like it was something to do with thrilling. the other shots that we included were medium close up, close up and panning. These shots came out good and i was happy with it.
I thought that the editing was alright although we had a few problems in getting the video from the camera onto the computer. We didn't get to finish our editing because we took longer to film our practice thriller.
I've learnt that mise en scene includes a range of areas like the setting the props we used in our film.
We didn't get to create an element of suspense although we did have a dark figure come in to the scene when the girls were playing the cards and they didn't know that the dark figure was there.
In some parts of the film we forgot to end it by recording another 5 seconds longer which made it difficult for us to edit.
From the feedback we got from our teacher, i think that as this was our first practice using the camera it was a bit difficult for some of us. I thought that we cold have done a lot better than i expected although we did not get enough time to finish everything. But overall, i feel that we have made a good use of getting to know how to use a camera and also taking everything into account.

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